student waving to parent at school drop off

At Bountiful Elementary we are deeply committed to keeping everyone safe. This year, we have a new drop-off/car line procedure to ensure the safety of everyone at our school. Please watch the video for a demonstration and instructions.

The basics:

  • When you enter the car/drop-off line, follow the signs and be extra aware of pedestrians.

  • You may ONLY drop your child off between the green flags, where the car line assistants will be directing and helping. Do not let students out at any other point in the line.

  • Pay close attention to crosswalks and obey the laws (pedestrians have the right of way).

  • Do NOT park in a stall and allow your child to walk through cars and across car lanes.

  • Be respectful of the drop-off assistants. They are there to make sure everyone is safe.

Together, we can make morning drop-off smooth and safe!